Milking hygiene - CALGONIT D i S


An alkaline, powdery product for manual and machine cleaning of milking machines, milking installation, cooling pools (milk cooling tanks) and milk containers. Calgonit D does not contain chlorine which can be corrosive to metal, and since alkaline agents break down organic compounds the product is primarily designed to remove milk fat and bacteria (disinfection). This cleaning product is the new generation of products because it is based on quaternary ammonium salts and does not contain chlorine, does not have an odor and therefore does not irritate the respiratory system and can easily be washed out because it does not foam. It is best used for cleaning milk cooling tanks and for dirty and old milking parlors as well as systems which use water from the water mains which contains less scale than well water. Like all Calgonit detergents, this product does not foam, it is active for 15-20 mins. It is more effective at lower temperatures than chlorine based agents. In manual washing, make sure that the water is 30-40oC at a concentration of 0.5% to 1% (0,5L – 1L per 100 liters of water) with mandatory use of protective gloves. In machine washing, make sure that the water temperature leaving the system should not be lower than 40oC. Daily use is recommended for quality maintenance of milking equipment. It is suitable for use in systems using powders and liquids as well as for use in other food industries.


An acid, powdery product used for mechanic and manual removal of water scale in milking machines, cooling pools (milk cooling tanks) and milk containers. It is used two to three times per week at a concentration of 0,5% to 1% (0,5L – 1L per 100 liters of water), and, if necessary, with very hard water (artesian wells) up to max. 2% (2 liters to 100 liters of water). Non-foaming, active 15-20 mins at a temperature of 40oC (summer) and 50o -60oC (winter). It is very efficient and does not cause corrosion and damage to rubber materials. When handling, you should use protective gloves and goggles. It is suitable for use in other food industries. CALGONIT S -­2 kg and CALGONIT D - 5kg - powder

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