One of the main prerequisites for quality wine production, in addition to high quality raw materials, is the proper use of oenological products. Every winemaker’s aspiration is to produce the best quality wine they can from the raw materials – grapes they produced or bought, or to attempt to replicate the quality of the grapes to the quality of the wine and, if necessary, correct certain deficiencies, shortcomings or mistakes.
Highlights of our offer: products for storing and conserving wine, ascorbic acid, barrel fat, paraffin oil, potassium metabisulphite, clarifiers, barrel taps, corks, corkers and more
A product which prevents excess acid in the wine. In reacts with the acid in the wine and reduces the pungent and astringent taste.
Causes moderate de-acidification and does not cause adverse side effects. Dosage 140g per 1 HL of wine to reduce 1% of total acidity.
Universal product of cleaning and maintaining cellar and oenological equipment hygiene.
U našoj ponudi možete naći sve veterinarske lijekove koji su registrirani za upotrebu na području RH, a neki od njih su vakcine, antibiotici, injektori, anestetici, inhibitori, antiparazitici, vitamini, suspenzije
U našoj ponudi možete pronaći široku paletu veterinarskih instrumenata, a izdvojili bismo slijedeće: kateteri, mikroskopi, igle, brizgalice, sterilizatori, trihinoskopi, el.mag. mješalice, kirurške škare, noževi, skalpeli
Zaštita bilja: insekticidi, herbicidi, fungicidi, akaracidi, limacidi...
Iz ovog programa posjedujemo kompletan program tvrtki Veterine, Chromos, Bayer, Syngenta i Herbos.
Kod nas možete kupiti opremu i hranu za slijedeće kućne ljubimce: pse, mačke, ptice, ribe, kornjače dok za sve navedene posjedujemo vitaminske tablete! Oprema: ogrlice, uzice, vodilice, brnjice, lanci, posude, krletke...
Drobilina 16
10255 Gornji Stupnik
Tel. +385 1/6515-070
Fax. +385 1/6589-061